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Workshop Moral and Political Philosophy

Monday, 03 June 2019

Zweitägiger Workshop im Rahmen des Kolloquiums Praktische und Politische Philosophie, 3.-4. Juni 2019.

Monday, June 3, 2019 (Moderation: Lukas Meyer)
SR 15.48, RESOWI, Bauteil D, 4. Stock

9.00-9.15 Lukas Meyer and Harald Stelzer (University of Graz):
Introduction to the Workshop and Introduction of the Participants

9.15-10.15 Magdalena Schertler (MA PELP):
Ethical Considerations of NIBS

10.15-11.15 Lazou Rutger (DK Climate Change):
Having Realistic Expectations: a Human Right?

11.30-12.30 Seunghyun Song (FWF Supersession):
Against Supersession Discourse

13.30-14.30 Laura Siggelkow (DK Climate Change):
Emission-Generating Activities – Chapter draft: The normative Significance of Benefits

14.45-15.45 Santiago Truccone Borgogno (FWF Supersession):
Indigenous Claims and Corrective Justice: the Moral Irrelevance of Group Identity

16.00-17.00 Eike Düvel (DK Climate Change):
Principles Fairness and Coherence in Contractualism

17.15-18.15 Marcelo de Araujo (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro):
ART and Basic Rights

18:15 All are invited to join the Summer Party of the MA PELP and MA Philosophy at Attemsgarten
(or SE 34.K1 Attemsgasse 25)

Tuesday, June 4, 2019 (Moderation: Harald Stelzer)
Besprechungsraum BioTechMed Mozartgasse 12, 2. Obergeschoß

9.30-10.30 Monica Cano Abadia (University of Graz):
Reframing Vulnerability. Feminism, Responsibility, and Climate Justice

10.40-11.40 Benjamin Hofbauer (MA PELP):
Climate Engineering and Risk Ethics

13.15-14.15 Norbert Paulo (University of Graz):
Limited vs Unlimited Democratic Legitimacy

14.30-15.30 Pranay Sanklecha (University of Graz):
Skeptical and Nihilist Crises about Meaning in Life

15.45-16.45 Andreas Eckert (Doctoral Student University of Graz):
Detailed Guidelines for Improved Tax Administration

17.00-18.00 Timothy Waligore (Pace University):
Catherine Lu and Structural Injustice

18.30 All are invited to join for dinner

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