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PELP Lunch

Mittwoch, 29.03.2023

We meet at Café Global to talk about study-related issues, your master thesis, your plans, or just come together to have a great lunch and time together.


On March 29th, 2023 from 12:30 till 14:30, our first PELP Student Lunch is taking place.



PELP Students Lunch

When: Wednesday March 29nd, 2023 from 12:30 till 14:30

Where: Café Global (Leechgasse 22)

We hope to see lots of you there!


No time? - No worries! This will be the first of many lunches to come! We will keep you updated via our channels.


If you have any questions, just send us a message!

Emiliya: emiliya.bauer(at)uni-graz.at

Clemens: clemens.kordasch(at)uni-graz.at

Santiago: santiago.truccone-borgogno(at)uni-graz.at

PELP: MasterofArtsPELP(at)uni-graz.at


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